Port Phillip Sea Surface Temperatures

Port Phillip 7-day Average Temperatures
Bay SST Map | Ocean SST Map
CSIRO Map   |   Integrated Marine Observing System   |   Group High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature
Old Data: 2000 Graph | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012
Multi-year Comparison:Bay/Ocean/W.Port   |   Location Map   |   Navy Ocean maps
Sydney Temp Graph   |   Wave Buoy Temps   |   Sandy Point Temp Graph
North Point = Latitude: -37.9, Longitude: 144.9   |   Mid Point = Latitude: -38.1, Longitude : 144.9
South Point = Latitude: -38.3, Longitude : 144.9   |   Outside Bay = Latitude: -38.6, Longitude : 144.8

HRPT AVHRR experimental SSTskin retrievals were produced by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology as a contribution to the Integrated Marine Observing System - an initiative of the Australian Government being conducted as part of the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy. The imagery data were acquired from NOAA spacecraft by the Bureau, Australian Institute of Marine Science, Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organization, Geoscience Australia, and Western Australian Satellite Technology and Applications Consortium.

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Disclaimer: Whilst all care is taken, users are advised to check the original source of all data before use.
This page was originally hosted by the The University of Melbourne School of Earth Sciences. It uses publicly available weather data from the Bureau of Meteorology, marine data from CSIRO Marine and Atmopsheric Research and tide data from the the Royal Yacht Club of Victoria