FAWKNER BEACON - June Median Wind Speed and Direction

Median Wind
MAY <-- Wind Graph Archives --> JULY
South Channel   |   Point Wilson   |   Frankston Beach   |   Wilsons Prom

NB: Calculations are based upon 5-minute averages. Wind gusts will be up to 40% stronger. Data is from 2001-2005 (5 Years)

The above graph shows the median wind speed (the speed at which half of the time the wind speed is faster, and half the time the speed is slower) in red, and the 75th Percentile wind speed (the wind speed that may be expected 1 in every 4 days) in grey. The most common wind direction is plotted with blue dots.


Average (1957-2002) Mean Sea Level Pressure map for June. Data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts' ERA-40 dataset. Plot generated using the KNMI Climate Explorer.

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